Disaster capitalism: genocide, inequality, climate catastrophe
Saturday 1:00 PM
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Russian revolution
Saturday 1:00 PM
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Recommended Readings
Chapter 9: The Russian Revolution
by Tom Bramble in
Introducing Marxism
Four reasons everyone should study the Russian revolution
by Tom Gilchrist in
Red Flag
Workers power: What every movement needs
Saturday 2:40 PM
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Recommended Readings
Workers' power: what every struggle needs
by April Holcombe in
Red Flag
How oppression can be ended
by Louise O'Shea in
Red Flag
Why capitalism needs sexism, racism and transphobia
Saturday 2:40 PM
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Recommended Readings
Chapter 7: Class and racial oppression
by Tom Bramble in
Introducing Marxism
Chapter 8: Women's and LGBTI oppression
by Tom Bramble in
Introducing Marxism
Capitalism's monsters: Trump and the far right
Saturday 4:20 PM
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Recommended Readings
Trump's monsters
by Eleanor Morley in
Red Flag
Trump's new era of reaction
Red Flag
What does a revolution look like?
Saturday 4:20 PM
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Recommended Readings
Chapter 3: Workers' struggle and revolution
by Tom Bramble in
Introducing Marxism
Why you should be a socialist today
Saturday 5:40 PM
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Recommended Readings
What kind of organisation is Socialist Alternative?
by Luca Tavan in
Red Flag
Why be a socialist today?
by James Plested in
Red Flag
1:00 PM
Disaster capitalism: genocide, inequality, climate catastrophe
Russian revolution
2:40 PM
Workers power: What every movement needs
Why capitalism needs sexism, racism and transphobia
4:20 PM
Capitalism's monsters: Trump and the far right
What does a revolution look like?
5:40 PM
Why you should be a socialist today